The story of Michel Herbelin begins in Charquemont, a village in the Jura mountains, known as the cradle of French watchmaking. Despite his parents’ wish for him to take over their business, Michel was drawn to the world of precision mechanics. Defying his parents’ expectations, he pursued his passion for watchmaking. After gaining experience in a local watch factory, he aspired to restore traditional French watchmaking’s prestige. At 26, Michel opened his own workshop in his parents’ house, marking the start of his watchmaking journey.
In 1947, Michel Herbelin launched his first watch named “IMPEC,” symbolizing his ambition to create impeccable, elegant timepieces marked “Made in France.” Relying on French and Swiss suppliers near Charquemont, he ensured exceptional quality. By 1965, the success of his collections led to the establishment of the brand Michel HERBELIN, solidifying his reputation in the watchmaking industry.
For over 40 years, Michel Herbelin devoted himself to crafting timepieces with passion. His sons, Jean-Claude and Pierre-Michel, joined the family business, embracing the advent of quartz technology as a new opportunity for innovation. The transfer of know-how became a core value, with Michel’s grandchildren now contributing to the brand’s ongoing success. Their creativity and expertise continue to drive the family business forward.
Since its inception in 1947, the company has thrived by staying true to its values. Every Herbelin watch is designed, assembled by hand, and meticulously inspected in France, embodying French elegance and artisanal craftsmanship. Celebrating 75 years in 2022, the brand introduced a new identity under the leadership of Maxime and Mathieu Herbelin, along with family members Cédric Gomez-Montiel and Benjamin Theurillat. Committed to tradition and innovation, they are poised to elevate Herbelin’s legacy in French watchmaking to new heights.
Showing 1–21 of 22 results
Herbelin Cap Camarat
£ 539 -
Herbelin Ladies Art Deco
£ 493 -
Herbelin Mens Classic
£ 316 -
Herbelin Mens Classic
£ 363 -
Herbelin Ladies Art Deco
£ 465 -
Herbelin Ladies Luna
£ 354